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PwC Cybersecurity Podcasts Spotify Ads

PwC Cybersecurity Podcasts Spotify Ads

PwC Cybersecurity Podcasts Spotify Ads

Spotify Ads

Spotify Ads

Spotify Ads

United Kingdom
March 2022
Spotify Ads
Creative lead
Kelvin Dews
Design leads
Fudzhay Saidov


Every day we are working with clients, governments, regulators and cyber security researchers to understand and protect businesses and build a secure digital society.

Our visual approach for cyber security is designed to capture this purpose, differentiate PwC UK and enhance our tech-enabled profile to engage with our audiences.

Spotify Ads

As part of our campaign awareness strategy, we decided to explore Spotify ads, testing various formats to promote the podcast. We utilised audio ads with catchy jingles, video ads with dynamic visuals, and display ads with eye-catching graphics. By leveraging these diverse options, we aimed to maximise our podcast's reach and impact.

Design Challenge

The basis for the visualisation has been specifically developed from our distinctive geometric pattern brand elements. It’s a graphic system of irregular linear compositions which represent the complexities of cyber security.

The way they animate and transform into different patterns illustrates how our insights and capabilities provide clarity and direction, empower leadership and build a secure digital society.


The resulting creative visualisation is distinctive, inspiring and empowering, and will play a significant role in increasing brand awareness and demand of cyber security services at PwC UK.The innovative, graphic styling reflects PwC’s determination to drive change in the industry to build a secure digital society, while the transformative quality of the visual content suggests how cyber security is constantly changing and conveys a sense that things are not always what they seem.

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